Saperavi Brothers

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Saperavi Press

Buried in Tradition: The Georgian Qvevri Maker

Collecting clay from nearby his village of Vardisubani, Zaza Kbilashvili is a part of one of the most vital aspects of Georgian winemaking as a 4th generation qvevri maker. The qvevri- an egg-shaped clay vessel- is the foundation of traditional Georgian winemaking. This ancient craft, precious to every detail, takes several months to create each single qvevri.

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Saperavi Press

WinExpo Georgia 2024

From its pivotal location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia and embedded in the traditional winemaking of the ancient world, the city of Tbilisi hosted its renowned Winexpo from June 7-9, 2024. With well over 1000 wines available to sample, the atmosphere on these beautiful summer days in Tbilisi turned quickly into a welcoming event for Georgians and internationals alike. We sampled from all three categories of small, medium, and large producers.

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Saperavi Press

Budeshuri Winery: Shining Eyes

Budeshuri Winery’s story begins at the start of the new millennium. The year Irakli Pirashvili was born, his grandfather Rezo, once mayor of the town of Sighnaghi, started planting the first roots. The word “budeshuri” is used in Georgian literature to describe something wide and bright, such as shining eyes or the sun.

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Saperavi Press

AB Wines: Georgian Winemaking, German Quality

Exploring the winemakers of Georgia, Saperavi Brothers hosted a conversation and tasting with Hilarius Pütz of AB Wines in Tbilisi. In front of a Tbilisi-based, multinational community, Pütz entertained us with his seventeen year journey through the Georgian winemaking world.

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