Saperavi Brothers

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Saperavi Brothers
Wine Merchant

Cambridge, MA

Saperavi Brothers Wine Merchant is a wine importing company, soley focused on importing wines from Georgia, the country. Our mission is to build strong trading relations between the ancient nation of Georgia and the United States. Because of our focus, the company enjoys strong relationships and trust with both producers and distributors. In Georgia we educate and coach wineries on business practices, including the complexities and opportunities of the US market. In the US we are on the ground growing the Georgian category, active in sales to retailers as well as educating the growing number of distribution partners. There are a lot of things to get right in order to build and grow a successful wine category. A lot of people need to come together with all the right intentions. This is that story.


Good wine transcends eras and cultures.

I travel to Georgia twice a year. My primary goal is to build and strengthen relationships with people. Here is a short list of activities topics that interests me.

  • To meet winemakers and taste wine.

  • Educate Georgian producers on the opportunities and challenges of the US market.

  • Bring people from US to visit and enjoy Georgia.

  • Discover art and savor the culture.

  • Understanding Vineyard management and viticulture.

  • Scout talent and find dedicated individuals in pursuit of mutual goals.

The wine industry is a tightly knit ecosystem built on relationships.

We cut our teeth in this business on the distribution side. Introducing a little know wine region with unfamiliar, hard to pronounce grapes taught us a lot. We have a tremendous appreciation for the distributors and their sales teams and all the hard work that goes into servicing accounts. 


Shops are the gate keepers, the curators and the trend setters.

Through out our time working with wine directors and purchasing managers, we often reflected on how much power shops actually hold in the marketplace. The ones that connect with consumers, are able to harness that power and wield significant influence.